Monday, November 05, 2007

I wouldn't want to be like you

The headline is the title to an old Alan Parsons Project song, I think.

More to the point, I wouldn't want to be like Bush, and I don't want to vote for anyone who acts like Bush. The presidential campaign, besides starting way too early (Shouldn't all these Senators and members of Congress be doing the job they have rather than campaigning for their next job?), all of the candidates are competing for the job.

I don't want competition in my government. I want those elected to work together to do the right thing for the United States and the world. Sure, they can argue about what the right thing is, but they should all be working toward determining the right policy, the right action, the right whatever. The current candidates are more concerned with their own egos than with the job of being a good president.

Impeach them all!

More later,

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