Monday, November 05, 2007

Joe Wilson on acting like Karl Rove

Former ambassador Joe Wilson supports some ass-covering by senators on today. Much of what he says makes sense: Use diplomacy to thwart Iran's nuclear ambitions, military force should be the last resort, the Bush administration can't be trusted, etc.

However, the main thrust of this blog post by Wilson is supporting senators – Clinton and Durbin in particular – for voting in favor of the Kyl-Lieberman non-binding resolution and/or signing...
"a strong letter to President Bush in response to his increasingly bellicose language on Iran. The letter informs the president that he does not have the authority to take military action against Iran without prior, specific authorization from the Congress."
In addition, Wilson takes shots at Obama for criticizing Clinton for supporting the resolution/letter. Of course, Obama says its the wrong approach, not that it's purely political BS.

No offense to Wilson's intellect, but no one with even half a brain believes that either the letter or the resolution will even slow Bush down if he wants to send troops to Iran. He is Commander and Chief, and under his theory of the presidency, he doesn't need authorization to commit troops. The ONLY reason any senator supporting the letter and/or the resolution is to be able to say he/she was on record against using military force in Iran. In other words, political ass covering.

Get a clue Wilson. This blog post is so blatantly political it's something I would expect from the Bush administration.

More later,

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