Thursday, July 13, 2006

Russia and China Inch Toward Iran Sanctions - New York Times

Nuclear proliferation is bad. But why, if it's bad for Iran, is it not bad for the United States and other nuclear powers? According to the Federation of American Scientists, the U.S. has more than 6,000 deployed nuclear warheads, and Russia less than 5,000. If Iran having one or two is dangerous, then why aren't we getting rid of our nukes?

Russia and China Inch Toward Iran Sanctions - New York Times:
PARIS, July 12 - Russia and China, crossing a diplomatic threshold in the effort to curb Tehran's nuclear ambitions, joined the United States and Europe on Wednesday by agreeing to seek a United Nations Security Council resolution ordering Iran to freeze some nuclear activities, or face sanctions.

The movement toward a resolution represented increased anger over Iran's refusal to respond to an offer of economic and energy incentives if it suspended its uranium enrichment.
Of course, we are the "good guys" so if we have nukes it's OK because we will never use them. But, the United States is the only country that ever has used nuclear weapons. Personally, I don't think anyone should have nukes, especially a country with a history like Iran's, but given the fact that the rest of the world, led by the United States, is willing to mount unprovoked invasions of multiple countries in the Middle East, I understand why Iran turned down the bribe and is going ahead with uranium enrichment. As President Bush has said, nations have the right to protect themselves from terrorists.

More later,

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