Sunday, June 25, 2006

"Natural Family" Values

Kanab, Utah values the "Natural Family," according to the L.A. Times. The city council in Kanab passed a resolution stating that the council's top priority is to protect and nurture the natural family. Again, according to the Times:

"The resolution described the natural family as man and woman, duly married "as ordained of God," with hearts "open to a full quiver of children." The council decreed that such households are to be treasured as "the locus of the true common good," a bulwark against crime, delinquency, drug abuse and worse."

The resolution passed in January, and as you might imagine, controversy has been the result. The problem here is the resolution is based on a logical fallacy. A form of organization does not produce a community with good values. Community members who embrace those values produce a community with good values.

Kanab needs to identify the values it cherishes, and then figure out how to promote those values... without treading on anyone's rights.

More later,

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