Saturday, April 15, 2006

Iranian General Says "Bring It On, Bush"

A line from "Limbo Rock" comes to mind: "How low can you go?"

How low has the world's opinion of the United States gone if an Iranian military official feels free to mock our ability to invade his country.

Of course, he's probably right, and that's why the Bush administration is allegedly considering a tactical nuclear strike instead of using conventional forces.

Today's Washington Times carried the story today. I didn't see it in email headlines from the New York Times, the Washington Post, or my local paper. The Washington Times seems to be supporting its reputation as a conservative newspaper. You could argue that by giving this story a lot of play, the paper is hyping military action against Iran. Hawks in and out of the government will take the taunts as a challenge and push for war to prove the general wrong.

Of course, papers with an allegedly liberal slant could use the story to show how much the Bush administration has hurt America's reputation in the world.

More later,

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